Sunday, September 14, 2008

Vote for Who the Europeans Want or Else

h/t: Moonbattery

It seems shocking to me that the Europeans who have their own problems seen to be obsessed of late with who we elect as our next president. Not only are they obsessed with who we elect, some are going so far as to suggest that if we don't elect Barack Obama, the Europeans won't like us anymore:
For Obama has stirred an excitement around the globe unmatched by any American politician in living memory. Polling in Germany, France, Britain and Russia shows that Obama would win by whopping majorities, with the pattern repeated in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. If November 4 were a global ballot, Obama would win it handsomely. If the free world could choose its leader, it would be Barack Obama.
. . . .

If Americans choose McCain, they will be turning their back on the rest of the world, choosing to show us four more years of the Bush-Cheney finger. And I predict a deeply unpleasant shift.

Until now, anti-Americanism has been exaggerated and much misunderstood: outside a leftist hardcore, it has mostly been anti-Bushism, opposition to this specific administration. But if McCain wins in November, that might well change. Suddenly Europeans and others will conclude that their dispute is with not only one ruling clique, but Americans themselves. For it will have been the American people, not the politicians, who will have passed up a once-in-a-generation chance for a fresh start - a fresh start the world is yearning for.

Who are the Europeans to say who we vote for, or how our country is run. The article goes on to say in almost a veiled threat:

And the manner of that decision will matter, too. If it is deemed to have been about race - that Obama was rejected because of his colour - the world's verdict will be harsh. In that circumstance, Slate's Jacob Weisberg wrote recently, international opinion would conclude that "the United States had its day, but in the end couldn't put its own self-interest ahead of its crazy irrationality over race".

Even if it's not ethnic prejudice, but some other aspect of the culture wars, that proves decisive, the point still holds. For America to make a decision as grave as this one - while the planet boils and with the US fighting two wars - on the trivial basis that a hockey mom is likable and seems down to earth, would be to convey a lack of seriousness, a fleeing from reality, that does indeed suggest a nation in, to quote Weisberg, "historical decline".

American Thinker has some thoughts on how the Europeans feel about Sarah Palin in this same vein.

Well, I am ashamed that I had intended to vote against what my brethren in the Old Country would have me do. I guess now that I have been told of the consequences, I will have to vote for Obama. LOL, ROTLMAO

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